Saturday 2 March 2013

One day without masturbating and porn

I just spent my whole day without masturbating and watching any porn and I feel good not physically but mentally. I was totally exhausted by three nights in a row and I was just feeling like an old person today in the morning but I retained my power slowly and still I can't say that I am really good but I am more energetic than yesterday.

This lonely night can make me break my pledge but this time I am not that weak and I will fight with every evil thought that comes into my mind. Today I played,laughed and studied. I was feeling so lonwly yesterday but now I accept it without questions.

All I have to do is keep focus on my goal and stay engaged and listen to music to stop masturbating.

I can say this blog is becoming more focussed on masturbating than introvercy but I think that it is the problem of almost whole youth and I can say that introverts like me are not an exception. If you want to join me in this mission against masturbation then please do comment and let us join each other.

I am willing to write more and more content to make my heart feel so light and I am really thinking that blogging in this way is helping my life a lot. I am feeling more happy and more satisfied with my life as I think that someone is waiting for my post and this way I think I found a friend with whom I can share my feelings and I can make me feel light. I considered to buy a diary but it seemed that I can't be so open into it as someone may read it but this blog lets me share my feelings with you and I don't have to worry much about privacy as I am using a pen name and I am working secretly.

I want your support in my blogging so please do point out my mistakes and please share your views about the post so that I feel encouraged in my life and you can also have a friend like me and believe me I am a good friend if someone values me and knows who I am and what I am capable of. One of my classmate who I called my friend argued me over a point I told him that I am saying the truth but he out of his ego called me that I am selfish and I swear to god that I was right in my point and thus I left his room and now he don't talk to me. I once tried but he is an egoist person and seriously I don't care much as I was always in the same condition with no one to tell my heart desires and feelings.

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